Self Assessment
Our price list depends on the number of documents and you only pay for the work that we have to do.
Do not feel that you have to pay more only because you have a large income.
***** All prices are subject to 20 % vat charge *****
Self Assessment based on PAYE records only P45/P60/P11d
The cost of this service is £ 100.00
Registration or closing Self Employed
The cost of this service is £ 60.00
Tax Return for Sole Trader
Typically, for a simple tax return our fees would start from £150.00 per Tax return.
If Sole Trader accounts are required, these start from £120.00, in addition to the basic Tax Return.
Is there anything else we can help you with?
“Are you drowning in papers?” You do not deal with the mess in your accounts? You simply do not have time or do you dislike THIS part of your business?
Prices from just £ 40.00 per month.
Self Assessment for Sole Traders with bookkeeping system in place :
Tax Return “MINI”
£ 150
Up to 50 bookkeeping records
Access to both summarized and detailed bookkeeping records must be provided.
Tax Return “MEDIUM”
£ 200
Up to 100 bookkeeping records
Access to both summarized and detailed bookkeeping records must be provided.
Tax Return “MAXI”
£ 250
Up to 200 bookkeeping records.
Access to both summarized and detailed bookkeeping records must be provided.